Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Mimi Trivia

July 14 was my mom's 65th birthday. She spent her birthday in Alabama with my sister so we couldn't throw her a party on her birthdya so her party was last Sunday. I had decorated everything with Eeyore, we ate ice cream sundaes and played a Winnie the Pooh match game that I had bought. Me, James & Ashley were playing the match game having a great ole time when Becky said, "I made up a game, can we play it next?" we all said sure and that is when MIMI TRIVIA was born. Becky made up all but two of the questions and typed them on her DS. I pulled the laptop out so I could type all the questions becuase I saw MIMI TRIVIA making it to a scrapbook page in the near future. I never knew how competitive my brother was until this and I never knew how observant Becky is. She is truly a remarkable little girl (although she really isn't a little girl anymore). Here is MIMI TRIVIA as typed by Aunt Sam on July 27, 2008.

Mimi Trivia - July 27, 2008
Players: James, Ashley, Aunt Sam, Charley (Daddy), Papaw, Kathy (Mommy)
Creators: Becky, Mimi

1. What is Mimi’s favorite color? yellow
James - blue
Ashley - yellow
2. Who is Mimi’s favorite character in the 100 Acre Woods? Eeyore
James - eeyore
3. What is the farthest place Mimi has ever been? Paris, France
Aunt Sam - Paris, France
4. What is Mimi’s favorite hobby? scrapbooking
Aunt Sam - scrapbooking
5. Mimi has not only seen Disney in the movies, she has also seen it somewhere else? hint: very cold Disney on Ice
Charley - Disney on Ice
6. Mimi likes to go to _______ to do another one of her hobbies. What is her other hobby? Disney - pin trading
James - her work
Ashley - JCPenney cause she likes to shop
Charley - Disney to trade pins
7. Whar is Mimi’s favorite daytime TV show? Days of Our Lives
Aunt Sam - Days of Our Lives - she has been watching it since Charley was a baby
8. What is Mimi’s favorite nighttime TV show? Numbers
Papaw - Numbers
9. Mimi has many grandchildren, name them in alphabetical order and say their name backwards. yelhsa, ykceb, annairb, yvad, semaj, alyk, yelsew
Noone got this one right - we were all super confused!!!
10. What is her favorite salad at holidays? green mayonaise
Kathy - Mayonnaise

Question created by Charley:
What is the item God created right after Mimi was born? DIRT

Playing MIMI TRIVIA (from L-R: Kathy, Sam, Ashley, James & Charley)