Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Available? For what? To date? NO. To Stamp? YES
Birthday? February 26, 1979
Cell phone? ATT - Sliver
Drink u had last? Diet RC with ice and a bendy straw
Easiest person to talk to? Usually, Mom
Favorite Color(s)? Red & pink
Gummy bears or worms? Worms
Hometown? Tyler, TX
Ice Cream: Bunny Tracks
Just something you always say on IM? :)
Kissed someone today? Yes, my husband
Limeaid or lemonade? Lemonade (with cherries)
Money or Love? Why can’t I have both?
Number of Siblings: Halves: Charley, Debbie, Janie & John Michael - Steps: Garrick & Lisa - In-Laws: Kathy & David
One wish? To be the kind of person I really want to be
Poop today? yep
Quiet? When I am sleeping
Reason you smile? Life really isn’t that bad
Song you last heard: something on a blog byIngrid something or another
Time you woke up today? 7 am
U like someone right now? Yes
Vegetables? Lima beans
Worst Habit? Biting my nails
X-cited about something? YES, I can’t wait to see more pictures of SU! Convention
Yellow a good color? For the sun
Zodiac sign? Pisces