well... I met Wade's ex-wife this weekend. It was TOTALLY by accident but I am kinda glad now that it is over and we can all move on and not have to worry about the awkward meeting again. So here's the story... Wade & I were in Longview to celebrate Michelle's (my step-daughter) birthday. She wanted to have lunch at Olive Garden so of course we have lunch at Olive Garden. As we are all sitting and waiting for our table, this little boy runs out the door - Michelle jumps up and hugs this little boy. Velta (Wade's Mom) says "that is Micheal, Michelle & Brian's half-brother and their step-dad Billy." Michelle says "where's Mommy?" and then it finally clicks in my head - OH SHIT! I am going to meet Jennifer - THE JENNIFER - THE QUEEN BITCH. I have always said I wasn't going to judge her until I had met her because I didn't know her and because Wade has a jaded view of her. Well... The next people out the door are these beautiful young women (they could have been models) and I am thinking "please, don't be her - please do be her" needless to say the model girls were not her. She came out about 5 minutes later. She was NOT AT ALL what I expected. Velta introduced us and she was almost rude. She didn't look me in the eyes and she gave me this face like I was the devil and she should not be wasting her time with me. I was overly nice and told her what a pleasure it was to meet her. There were a few awkward minutes. Michelle gave her a hug - Brian didn't. And then she left. I told her it was a pleasure to meet her and that I looked forward to seeing her again. She just sort of grimaced and said "yeah, me too". The worst part about it all was that I couldn't talk to Wade about it immediately following the event. I am NOT going to talk bad about their mother in front of the kids. She is their mother and they need to form their own opinion. I don't have to like her or agree with anything she does but I do have to respect that she is their mother. I don't like the way she has raised them and I disagree with a lot of her rules but they are HER kids. Wade really isn't much of a dad to them but it didn't really seem like their step-dad was either, although they call him Daddy and Wade - Wade. They call me Sam, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I would kind of rather they called me Aunt Sam because that is what I am used to. I know how to be Aunt Sam - I don't know how to be Sam the Step-Mom. They have both told me that I am a great step-mom. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I don't discipline them. There hasn't been a situation where I needed to. I think they will be surprised to find that I am a stickler for manners and following the rules. I know it is ok to discipline my nieces and nephews. But is it truly ok for me to say things about the way Michelle and Brian act? I mean - I am not going to spank them. I don't do that to my nieces and nephews, but if they need to be told that whatever they are doing is wrong - is that ok? I sure hope so - because I am going to!
10 years ago
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